Facebook Status Messages If Your Boss Is In Your Friend List

You can’t escape having colleagues and bosses in your Facebook friend-list. Why not make the most of it. Have status messages which show how much you value your work and your boss, how devoted you are to them and how much you deserve that salary raise. Below is a sample list:

1. Out in the woods, all alone by myself, no food to eat, no water to drink. All I can think of is, “Wish my boss were here!”

2. I have seen heaven. It’s my office.

3. Monday. Lovely :).

4. Free trip to Miami can wait. Work beckons.

5. Filing Divorce. Ground: Spouse asking me to put her first instead of my manager.

6. It’s time for that weekly coffee break.

7. My three favorite animals: Ant, Dog and Worker-bee.

8. No Electricity. Ran out of money to pay the bill, again. I hope that raise comes my way soon.

9. My boss strongest.

10. If it were my boss in place of Adolf Hitler, the Second World War wouldn’t have happened.

11. During my marriage vows. I say” I’ll give you all the happiness in this world, but I expect just one thing from you. Respect for my manager”.

12. I’ll like to dedicate this song to my boss: “Everything I do, I do it for you”.

The list was compiled with the help of one of my colleague Rekha, a real quick wit. Please join and add your quips here in this FB group. I will be regularly updating it.
Be gentle folks; I am a boss too :).

18 thoughts on “Facebook Status Messages If Your Boss Is In Your Friend List

  1. None

    I praised my boss in front of the CEO and she got her much awaited promotion the next day 😀

    Coincidence? hmm…

    Well, weirdly , I do love my boss 😀

    All bosses should make themselves lovable 😀

  2. sammythewizzy

    Didnt know you were a boss BP!! As Nicky said, do you make yourself lovable? (no pun intended) 🙂

  3. Preeti

    ehhee nice one !! ..my bosses hardly are on Fb , but luckily i have always had such wonderful bosses …

  4. Neha

    That's one great list. Just that I take equal pain to ensure that my bosses are not on my friend list :).

  5. Mamta

    hahaha! good one!

    If I had to add to that list, I would have also had to say "I so much love and look forward to working from home on weekends." 😉

  6. Eveline

    Wow, that is quite a collection.
    My old boss is on my friends list. Though I haven't truly embarrassed myself – like calling him by the wrong name or making fun of his shaved head.
    Of course, I think he has the best taste in music. :))

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